North East Mindfulness Network

The North East Mindfulness Network is a network of mindfulness teachers, based in the North East of England. We work in a variety of settings with a diverse range of service users, clients and customers. The Network promotes quality and standards within mindfulness, both personally and professionally.

Mindfulness interventions are intended to teach people mindfulness in ways that can help with physical and psychological health problems and ongoing life challenges. We are committed to supporting and developing integrity and best practice in the delivery
of these interventions. Our experience working with diverse communities and serviceusers has shown us that we need flexible approaches for mindfulness interventions to be effective. We are committed to innovating and evidencing best practice in makingmindfulness interventions inclusive and accessible.

We believe that, as mindfulness is largely an experiential and relational practice, teaching must come from a depth of personal experience in order to be authentic. Without adequate training and experience, mindfulness interventions can be unsafe. Poor quality mindfulness interventions can, at best, give service users a negative impression of what mindfulness is and, at worst, can be triggering and retraumatising for service users with complex needs and difficulties.

Mission Statement

NE Mindfulness Network Mission Statement

If you would like to join the North East Mindfulness Network, please complete the  NE Mindfulness Network Expression of Interest  form and return to