Clients we have worked with

Please see below table of clients we have worked with. As you will see, we have worked with a diverse range of clients from the private, public, not for profit and education sectors.

Private sector Public sector Not for profit sector Education sector

Deep Ocean

DXC Technologies


Proctor & Gamble

Carlisle Therapies

Bond Dickenson


Highbridge Business Park

Recovery 4 Life

Reeves IFA

Zurich Insurance

Elan Pizzeria


Newcastle City Council

Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council

Darlington Borough Council

Your Homes Newcastle

Tyne & Wear Arts and Museums

The Labour Party

Trinity Medical Centre Northumbria Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust

Mental Health Concern

Tyneside Mind

Dystonia Society

Huntingdons Disease Society

Karbon Homes

Dyslexia North East

Northern Neurological Association

Space for Peace




Fulfilling Lives

Spectrum Enterprises

Catch 22

Newcastle East WI

Action For Blind People

Vision Support

Age UK North Tyneside

British Tinnitus Association

Northumbria University

Gateshead College

Newcastle College

Derwentside College


Oxclose Academy

St. Bedes RC Primary School

Wyndham Primary School

Collingwood School

25 primary and secondary schools in Darlington