14 tips for a mindful Valentine’s Day

A mindful Valentine’s Day Valentine's day is a celebration of love, relationships and connection. Mindfulness is training in paying attention, in the words of Simone Weil ‘Attention is the Rarest and Purest form of Generosity’ Mindfulness, paying attention , on purpose, in the present moment can help strengthen our relationships. The following tips can [...]

Connection at Christmas (Part 2) | Connecting this Christmas

Connecting this Christmas. Our theme of the month for December is connection. Last year, the ‘Connection at Christmas’ post told the story of my mum and the Liverpool shoebox appeal. Last year my mum, Sandra, and the school where she worked helped to collect 95 shoeboxes filled with goodies to send to children in [...]

A perfect day?

An ordinary day or a perfect day? At 11:15pm on Saturday 21st September I was driving home, I was feeling good and realised that the day that had just been may well have been a perfect day.  I was however also struck by the realisation that from a different perspective, it was an average [...]

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