Like what we do? Become a Community Member

Our mission is to make the benefits of mindfulness available to all, regardless of income. Our drop-in classes are run on a donation basis, meaning that participants pay what they can afford. We also offer donation-based counselling. However, Mindful Therapies costs money to run. We rely on donations to help to pay salary costs, volunteer training and support, rent and utilities as well as room hire.

Would you consider making your donations to Mindful Therapies by monthly standing order? By pledging a regular payment you are able to support us and we are able to plan more effectively. So, even when you can’t make it to class, you can still know that you are part of our community and are supporting others to attend.

The amount you pay for membership is up to you, but to get the benefits on offer, a minimum of £15 per month is required. When you first set up your standing order you will receive a welcome pack, which includes a membership card, Mindful Therapies, journal and pen. We have also teamed up with local businesses to offer discounts to our Community Members.

You can also join a Members steering group and share your ideas about how we operate, and our closed Facebook group where you can share ideas, discuss your practice, and connect with other members.

To sign up or find out more, download the membership form here and return it to us.