Mental Health Awareness week – Relationships

mental health awareness week - relationships

Last week Mindful Therapies  were privileged to be involved in activities to raise awareness of mental health as part of mental health awareness week. The theme for this years mental health awareness week was relationships.  In addition to delivering Mindfulness seessions at schools, colleges and community centres across Tyneside we organised, in partnership with Tyne & Wear archives & museums and Time to Change, a Mental Health Afternoon at Segedunum in Wallsend.  The theme for the afternoon was relationships, with guest speakers, workshops and activities, we explored relationships with others and with ourselves.  In addition the week coincided with the last session of one of our courses, Kindness and positive emotion.  During the Mental Health afternoon and at the end of the course participants came together to create two unique poems on the theme of relationships, Strength Together and The Mindful Cafe (Access to WiFi).

Strength Together


A big problem! Complicated and wonderful!

Passive aggressive is always winning at Scrabble.

Relationships are the best and worst of us.

Togetherness – an anchor in the storm of life.

I feel connected when I spend time with family and friends.

Looking at the beauty in nature,

I feel the sun shining on me

I’m held, I’m held and heard

Knowing that loved ones are safe, happy and well.

Longing – I feel happy when I’m by the sea

I feel connected when I’m understood

And free to express emotion

Whoops! You take a bigger risk!



The Mindful Cafe (Access to Wifi)

Being true to you – open and honest,

Connected when I’m rested.

Taking time for others,

Recognising the joy in others.

Lovely, warm and genuine,

I reach out to others.

Appreciating and being compassionate,

without expectation of reward.

Being at Glastonbury, on the Pyramid Stage,

singing my heart out.

Peace of Mind…

Something to share.